Finding Yourself.
Perhaps the worst thing to happen after a big change/ event, is that with the "anti-climax" I always find myself, changed slightly, unsure on how to go on, unsure how to go back. So I'm stuck in this limbo where for the moment, I'm just "here", with no clue in "who" I'm at that point in time. And so, I do what any person would do ( a.k.a just me) and google it. What comes up when I searched this, was perhaps an understatement to the word "interesting." A cluster of results ranging in medical conditions, to angry Yahoo answers. Except for one... a small page on "Trying to find yourself." And this is when the chord struck. Having just come out of a serious relationship, where we were constantly with each other 24/7, experiencing highs and lows, from renting our first house together to our first real bust up, both of us not really knowing how to deal with it. And so when the relationship naturally came to an end, I suddenly